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Trenulet locomotiva motorizata Diesel cu vagon Thomas & Friends™ TrackMaster™ BMK91 BMK88

89,99  119,99
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Product Code: BMK91 BMK88 ASST. 1298

Descriere: Setul contine o locomotiva motorizata Diesel si un vagon. Locomotiva si vagonul sunt compatibile cu toate produsele Thomas & Friends™  din gama TrackMaster™.  Produsul face parte din gama TrackMaster™ Revolution, unde locomotiva este restilizata, mai rapida (cu 2 baterii tip AAA (LR03), neincluse) si are roti zimtate.

Dimensiuni: 21 x 5 x 4 cm.

Baterii: 2 baterii tip AAA (LR03), neincluse.

Avertismente: Nerecomandat copiilor cu varsta sub 3 ani. Produsul poate contine piese mici ce pot fi inghitite si cauza asfixiere. Nu lasati ambalajul produsului la indemana copiilor. Indepartati orice ambalaj si accesoriu al produsului inainte de a oferi jucaria copilului. Va recomandam sa supravegheati copilul in timp ce foloseste produsul. Pastrati instructiunile si etichetele pentru referinte viitoare. Feriti produsul de foc, temperaturi ridicate si umiditate.

EN TrackMaster™ motorized engines from Fisher-Price have been redesigned so you can experience the Island of Sodor like never before! With enhanced speed and performance, these engines go faster and climb steeper inclines, driving Thomas & Friends™ to greater speeds, taller heights and bigger adventures! Flip the switch and watch Diesel 10 race along on another exciting journey. He’s the perfect addition to your collectable, expandable, motorized TrackMaster™ world! Requires 2 AAA batteries.

• Motorized TrackMaster™ Diesel 10 engine
• Redesigned TrackMaster™ engines feature enhanced speed and performance
• Perfect addition to your expandable, connectable, motorized Thomas & Friends™ TrackMaster™ world
• Motorized train play is compatible with most TrackMaster™ track and playsets (sold separately)
• Requires 2 AAA batteries